The bottom line of this perhaps rather long narrative, is not, as I initially started out as a perhaps green, green badge cab driver, who did not move to the valley of Diesel “Ilford” with the obligatory new cab, wife, mortgage and two kids.
No one more surprised than I at the realisation of what has materialised, a first hand description humiliation and deprivation of the British working class from the 1930's.
This erosion brought about entirely by deliberate policy of successive governments.. and the ten draconian years of Tony Blair who deliberately, for whatever reason, encouraged the influx of irrepresible waves of the World's disenchanted onto these shores, by doing so, creating a powerful, intimidating, devisive weapon against the indigenous labouring masses and a hard core of … crime, poverty and unemployment… the triple iron fist of all governments,plus Enron, 9/11, Afghan conflict over oil, Kosovo all emphatically used by Blair; any outcry was by "politically incorrect racists" as Dr David Kelly was to find to the cost of his life.
The differential between rich and poor, is greater now, than during the Middle Ages.
… Salvation day for Greed.
The top 2% will do and have done everything to hold and control the 98% of the World’s wealth which they possess... shifting the emphasis... moving the goal posts, moving the masses eyes away from their actions, a incessant, relentless, propaganda bombardment through the media…blaming anything, a bearded somebody… somewhere... far off, with waning conviction now, by anyone able to consider the situation.
(Every aspect of media dissemination, is decided for the masses by a handful of people, what should be seen, what should be thought, what should be aspired to. To accept “multiculturalism’ without question, as a accepted way of existence. So many subversive ideas, both insidiously and blatantly thrust into our homes and into the minds of our children by so few people. The general consensus being, this unprecedented power is in the hands of about twenty individuals, it is merely a step to ask , “Who controls America and its subsidiary, Great Britain?”)
The rich have not been so shaken by the eleventh, very quickly concluding it could be so turned to their advantage. They have not woken with the slightest intention of helping humanity, forever playing chess with the masses without seeing the humanity, without care, with a intensity, a coldness, a remoteness, a calculated ruthlessness, a all consuming greed, most people have no conception, no understanding of .
Tuesday, September the 11th 2001
… Salvation day for Greed.
The collapse of Enron, the biggest corporate scandal in American history ... this fact having to be admitted by the controlled media … their hard words being….
“A collapse caused almost entirely by fraud, sex, the lust for power and greed”
(New York Times. January 2002. Owned by Arthur Sulzberger, Jr., who also owns/controls 33 other newspapers)
Many powerful people have their fingers in the share out of this particular pie, including the English Heir Presumptive, Prince Charles ( $1.7m ) ……..Mr Blair and the British Government….(unspecified)
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