The bottom line of this perhaps rather long narrative, is not, as I initially started out as a perhaps green, green badge cab driver, who did not move to the valley of Diesel “Ilford” with the obligatory new cab, wife, mortgage and two kids.
No one more surprised than I at the realisation of what has materialised, a first hand description humiliation and deprivation of the British working class from the 1930's.
This erosion brought about entirely by deliberate policy of successive governments.. and the ten draconian years of Tony Blair who deliberately, for whatever reason, encouraged the influx of irrepresible waves of the World's disenchanted onto these shores, by doing so, creating a powerful, intimidating, devisive weapon against the indigenous labouring masses and a hard core of … crime, poverty and unemployment… the triple iron fist of all governments,plus Enron, 9/11, Afghan conflict over oil, Kosovo all emphatically used by Blair; any outcry was by "politically incorrect racists" as Dr David Kelly was to find to the cost of his life.
The differential between rich and poor, is greater now, than during the Middle Ages.
Monday, October 21, 2002…………
Fourteen months since the September 11th fiasco. .the fall out from that still continues. Capitalism collapsing fast. The rich long ago having taken other people's investments, pension money ….and run. Those who saved all their lives, in all trusting innocence for their old age, now rot in their old age for their naivete… …Nothing changes.
The punishment for those few caught in this great swindle, is at the worst, a couple of years in prison, at the best, some light work in society, or a fine. What is money to these creatures of the dark??? (Ruth will perhaps forgive me for saying this, but 95% of them, Jews) Hardly their money, they never slogged for it, went without for it, starved for it. Jews have always held this position right through the ages. Shakespeare had rather a great deal of comment on their behavior
Bush again conspiring with the Israeli's, his very powerful backers…. This time, he (they) after Iraq's oil… his excuse, the Israeli's excuse being, Iraq poses a "threat.." a cover up also for the out of control, downward spiraling economy. Unfortunately this conspiracy is all falling about his and the Zionists ears. Bush, his cohorts and his puppet Blair are the only people who want this precarious action. The Zionist's belatedly pulling back from their Palestinian occupation, knowing what conceivably is next to come, conceivably, also, with some trepidation.
As one of Bush's men remarked, rather unguardedly:
"If Saddam Hussein grew carrots in his back yard, no one would give a fuck"
Going to war is double edged bonus for Bush, a get out from a downward spiraling dollar and control of the Persian Gulf.. A jewel to be grasped…….His eyes from there can only be on World domination. His brain ostensibly not wishing to see Russia and China, who may conceivably object to his aspirations.
"Clinton went to war, bombing Yugoslavia as a get out for Lewinsky",
…….. Said this many times previously: For his deviousness, his destruction, his disregard for humanity, he has been awarded the Nobel peace prize…….. !! It does not need thinking about. As remarked in the Moscow times 20th Oct; 2002….."a booby prize", and booby's do not come any bigger than Clinton and the two B's. Unlikely the Yugoslavs have forgotten this incident, the treachery, never surprised if New York or London were blown away by these people. Bush rubbished on all fronts... but he, rather myopic and slightly stupid, unable to see from which way the wind is coming, or, indeed, which way it is going.
Today, Tuesday, October 22, 2002, he is starting to make placatory noises "I could consider not going to War…" As if he was Caesar. Not doubt, even a man with such an incredible thick head, has woken to the sheer weight of opposition to his policies and the deviousness of the deeply avaricious friends he keeps, those who put him in power, expensively keeping him there.
From my reasonably comfortable position here in Beller, after my slogging it out in London, feel safer than in the West, if "Safe" has ever been any of my considerations, but why stick your neck out?? Have been through one war and various other rather awkward situations. Why languish in London when quite conceivably, one could be killed for no fault of their own, simply attempting to scrape money to pay the bills, the tax man... and the mortgage… why hang about for that…….!! Or, as is now happening in Washington D. C. being indiscriminately killed by a sniper's bullet in the street. The score so far, is about 9 dead… simply ordinary people, minding their own business…. The only "threat" they ever knew, we ever knew… always constantly aware of, being:
"Where is the next dollar bill coming from?"
G.W. Bush, his intense desire for Iraqi oil, he, backed, up to the hilt by the powerful Zionist factor in American politics, is conceivably the greatest threat to World peace since Hitler.
It could be remarked how Jews always figure boldly in Global conflicts, past and pending. Obviously, he who pays the piper, calls the tune.
There have been some interesting revelations since Enron and the other major American companies who have simply disappeared ... with the money. Excesses far exceeding Roman orgies have been revealed. Only the very tip of that which did occur... enough to stir the masses, for them to lift their heads from the endless grindstone, to actually, momentarily, only momentarily, stop.… To think beyond the blur of striving for a existence, while the few "live" in a manner beyond their comprehension... where parties are held which cost millions of dollars, this in itself, not enough. The "Guests" are jetted and helicoptered to some remote tropical island. A fantasy World where champagne flows endlessly through the penis of a huge stone statue. Each guest given a small bag with a "present", hardly a bag of sweets and a orange … These bags contain jewelry, round the world air tickets and cruises on ocean going liners… Some people have been known, still in the state of "greed." their only motivation, consideration, to take two of these bags… Yet the masses remain sanguine, nothing can stir them sufficiently to rise up, realizing there is little or nothing they can do, however disproportionate their situation, only having to look about to see the reality.
The rich, the powerful, openly surrounded by myriad masses of men in black, who are ready, eager, paid, to kill anyone who dares to make a gesture of discontent, kill with the most deadly array of weapons known to mankind, chemical, mechanical, brutal and biological.
The prediction of George Orwell has long been in effect. The masses, since the end of the War, have imperceptibly been crushed, watched each moment of every day by Big Brother.. In London a person is photographed six times a day on average… simply going about their business.
Justice, always has been, always will be……….
The will of the stronger.
Call it "Democracy" sounds so much better.
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